"The Citizen Kane of the concerts movies" volgens The Face. Da's natuurlijk behoorlijk overdreven. De film wordt immers gedragen door de presence van Byrne, het concertconcept en de aanstekelijkheid van de swingende band. Veel voegt Jonathan Demme er niet aan toe. "I'm a rock fanatic, and I've seen hundreds of live shows all over the world," Demme told The Times in 1985. "And precious few bands can really support 90 minutes of attention. But the Heads are so ultra-interesting to watch, and David Byrne is a living phenomenon who has to be experienced. He's a full-blown original, and I just knew that was going to work for the movie. I knew that for people who had never seen Talking Heads, this film would be an instant revelation." Een bevestiging door de regisseur.
Geniet van de georkestreerde gekte.
Stop making sense. Jonathan Demme. 1984 (versie 2001). ***½
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