"Maurice, dreading being alone for the holidays, gets a big surprise when his gift is an instant family of his own. Meanwhile, Maggie, dreading being with her family, gets a big surprise when her parents opt for a Caribbean Christmas without her."
Seoul mates Een kerstepisode met natuurlijk de Jood Fleischman die zich probeert te integreren in dit voor hem heidense gegeven. Fascinerend is de integratie van het seculiere met de geloofstraditie: hoe de legende van de raaf erin verweven wordt, dit keer niet vanuit een donker, negatief standpunt:
"A long time ago, the raven looked down from the sky and saw that the people of the world were living in darkness. The ball of light was kept hidden by a selfish old chief. So the raven turned itself into a spruce needle and floated on the river where the chief's daughter came for water. She drank the spruce needle. She became pregnant and gave birth to a boy which was the raven in disguise. The baby cried and cried until the chief gave him the ball of light to play with. As soon as he had the light, the raven turned back into himself and carried the light into the sky. From then on, we no longer lived in darkness."
De ene woont in Alaska, de andere in Seoul. Hoe kunnen zij dan zielsverwanten zijn?
Northern Exposure. Seizoen 3. Aflevering 10. Seoul mates. 1991.
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