Hoe horror toch zo eenvoudig kan zijn. Niet in de zin van je te laten griezelen met monsters en zombies. Neen, de gruwelijke martelscène is zo efficiënt pijnlijk dat je elk nieuw tandartsbezoek voorlopig afzegt...
Grappige achtergrondinfo: "A story circulated for a long time that Dustin Hoffman (being a method actor) stayed up all night to play a character who has stayed up all night. Arriving on the set, Laurence Olivier asked him why he looked the way he did. Hoffman told him, to which Olivier replied in jest, 'Why not try acting? It's much easier.' Dustin Hoffman repeatedly denied the story, and finally cleared up the story in 2004. The torture scene was filmed early in the morning, Hoffman was going through a divorce from his first wife and was depressed, and had spend the previous two nights partying hard. Hoffman told Olivier this and his comment related to his lifestyle and not his method style of acting."
De film duurt iets te lang, de eindconfrontatie was niet nodig geweest, hoewel de manier waarop Hoffman Olivier op stang jaagt, is geweldig. Wanneer in het Joodse kwartier Olivier ontmaskerd wordt, hoop je dat hij opgevreten wordt met huid en haar.
Marathon Man. John Schlesinger. 1976. ***1/2.
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